The Password Game: Play Online

The Password Game, created by Neal Agarwal, is a puzzle game that challenges players to create a password by following a series of rules. The Password game starts with simple rules, such as including a minimum number of characters, an uppercase letter, a number, and a special character. However, as you progress through the game, the rules become more complex and often require you to modify your password based on new criteria.

How to Play The Password game?

  1. The Password Game - Read All the Rules

    Before you start playing The Password Game, take a moment to read and understand all the rules carefully. These rules will help you create your password and move forward in the game. While playing The Password Game in Browser, Pay attention to the specific instructions and requirements mentioned in each rule. Understanding the rules is essential to progress successfully through the game and overcome its challenges.You can checkout The Password Game Rules a bottom of the page. The Password Game - Read All the Rules
  2. The Password Game - Make Your Password

    Now that you know the The Password Game Rules, it's time to create your password. Follow the instructions given in the game to come up with your password. Make sure it meets the requirements mentioned in the rules, like using current moon phase, Chess move, enough characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. Take your time to think of a password that fits all the rules. Remember, it should be unique and strong to keep your information safe. The Password Game - Make Your Password
  3. The Password Game - Enjoy the Game

    Once you have understood the rules and created your password , it's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy The Password Game! Find out your score

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is The Password Game?

    The Password Game is an interactive puzzle game created by Neal Agarwal. It challenges players to create a password by following a series of 35 rules, each with its own unique requirements and constraints.

  2. What Are The 35 Rules of The Password Game?

    Here are the 35 rules for the The Password Game:
    1. At least 5 characters
    2. A number
    3. An uppercase letter
    4. A special character
    5. Digits must add to 25
    6. Needs to include a month
    7. Needs a Roman numeral
    8. Needs to contain one of "pepsi", "starbucks", "shell"
    9. Roman numerals need to multiply to 35
    10. Needs to contain a randomly generated CAPTCHA
    11. Needs today's Wordle answer
    12. Two-letter symbol from the periodic table.
    13. Current phase of the moon as an emoji
    14. Name of country from Google Maps
    15. Type Leap year
    16. Calculate the best chess move
    17. Paul the 🥚! Don't delete him by accident
    18. Atomic numbers that add up to 200
    19. All vowels must be bolded
    20. Delete all of the 🔥 before it deletes your password
    21. Add 4 of :man_lifting_weights:
    22. Needs to contain one of "i am loved", "i am worthy", "i am enough"
    23. Egg hatches, feed him a 🐛 every 20 seconds or paste in 3 🐛 every 50 seconds
    24. Find a YouTube video with a randomly generated length
    25. Pick 2 letters you will no longer be able to use
    26. Need twice as much italic letters as you have in bold
    27. At least 30% of your password needs to be in Wingdings
    28. Type random color it generates in hex
    29. All Roman numbers need to be in Times New Roman
    30. Font size of every digit must be equal to its square
    31. Every instance of the same letter needs a unique font size
    32. Password needs to contain password's length as a number
    33. Password length also needs to be a prime number
    34. You need the current time in format HH:MM
    25. Re-type the password into another textbox, you have 2 minutes to do this. Good Luck.

  3. Can I Play The Password Game More Than Once?

    Absolutely Yes! You can play The Password Game as many times as you like. The puzzles and challenges may remain the same, but you can try different approaches and improve your strategies with each playthrough.

  4. What Happens If I Make A Mistake or Fail To Meet a Rule's Requirement?

    If you make a mistake or fail to meet a rule's requirement, the game will inform you of the error, and you'll need to modify your password accordingly to satisfy the specific rule. The game allows you to make adjustments and continue playing.